Motor-Side Guide

Center Drain Tub

End Drain Tub, because Carver Tubs uses Schedule 40 Hard PVC piping for our whirlpool pipes, we must install the motor underneath the angled slope of the backrest. This ensures that all the waterdrains from your whirlpool system after use.

End Drain Tub


Left Side Motor

Motor and electrical components are installed underneath the slope of the backrest, opposite the side of the drain.

Right Side Motor

Motor and electrical components are installed underneath the slope of the backrest, opposite the side of the drain.


End Drain Tub, because Carver Tubs uses Schedule 40 Hard PVC piping for our whirlpool pipes, we must install the motor underneath the angled slope of the backrest. This ensures that all the water drains from your whirlpool system after use. NOTE: Controls go on Motor Side (please leave a note on your order if you need the buttons installed somewhere else)

Corner Drain Tub


Corner Tub

Most State building codes call for a service/access panel for your whirlpool tub. Carver Tubs recommends you consult with your contractor to properly select your access panel position. We will install your electrical components on this side.

Quick Access

Select a position where you will have an access/service panel for electrical hook ups and future servicing.


Still need assistance? Contact us.